Arterial aneurysms (AA) are local out-pouching of a blood vessel wall. […] According to the statistics, 90% of all AA are located in the anterior segments of the circle of Willis and only 10% in the posterior segments (Dandy 1944; Zlotnik 1967).
But when firſt Cleobulus the tyrant of the Lindians, and then Periander the tyrant likewiſe of Corinth (who had neither of them any one jot of vertue or wiſdome) by the greatneſſe of their power, by the number of their friends, and by many benefits and demerits whereby they obliged their adherents, acquired forcibly this reputation, in deſpite of all uſurped the name of Sages; and to this purpoſe cauſed to be ſpred ſowen and divulged throughout all Greece certaine odde ſentences and notable ſayings, as well as thoſe of others, wherewith the former Sages, above named were diſcontented.
Cradle-robbing anti-Semites aside, the fast-seduction community isn't the lechfest it might sound like.
What lands and lordships for their owner know / My quondam barber, but his worship now.