All About Eve (1950, FoxVideo). [Marilyn Monroe had] already had mini-roles in eight movies when she turned up as George Sanders' arm candy in the party scenes of this film.
One day he came, as I thought accidentally, to dinner. My husband was very much engaged in business, and quitted the room soon after the cloth was removed.
Thus, in nouns, we have the various distinctions of quality, comparison, gender, number, figure, case; of prænomen, nomen, cognomen, agnomen; of appellative and proper; of corporeal, incorporeal, radical, derivative, compositive, denominative, diminutive, homonymous, synonymous; with others, adjectival or prænominal, interminable as those of the ancient grammarians.
about seven years past, with some others of affinity thereto, for my private exercise and satisfaction, I had at leisurable hours composed