The identification of art as the specific antitruth, the secret subversive life of truth within the self-deluded formalism of Platonic thought, of course gives Nietzsche the polemical thrust needed to destroy the pretension of Platonism, which, as a will to truth, must be viewed not merely as an error but as nihilism.
Today, Nanaimo's signature cuisine is a little sweeter. That would be the Nanaimo bar, a layered custard, coconut and chocolate confection that originated in 1952 and put the little town on the map.
So in regard to the legends of Greece, — Troy, Thêbes, the Argonauts, the Boar of Kalydôn, Hêraklês, Thêseus, Œdipus, — the conviction still holds in men’s minds, that there must be something true at the bottom ; and many readers of this work may be displeased, I fear, not to see conjured up before them the Eidôlon of an authentic history, even though the vital spark of evidence be altogether wanting.¹
But poverty’s scourge is fiercest below $1.25 (the average of the 15 poorest countries’ own poverty lines, measured in 2005 dollars and adjusted for differences in purchasing power): people below that level live lives that are poor, nasty, brutish and short.