Everybody offered an opinion.
However, even if he can't save Taffy 3, there are still the ships of the landing force to consider, and he orders Admiral Oldendorf to extract two destroyer squadrons, five cruisers, and the battleships Tennessee, California, and Pennsylvania from wrapping-up operations in Surigao Strait and proceed at best speed north, fuel-and-ammunition-level concerns be damned.
And besides, as there are many Zoophyts, and sensitive Plants […] so have we, in some Authors, Instances of Plants turning into Animals, and Animals into Plants, and the like […]
The ætern, ſempitern, everlaſting Spirit of Promiſs, Life, Comfort, of Feith, Truth, Holineſs, of Grace, God, and of Glorie, teſtifieth, beareth record, and ſetteth it Seal to the Truth of Thour being the alone Autor of al Salvation.[…]: evn ſo I mi veri ſelf, O wretched man of men that I am, did hood-winkt, blind, blind-fold run, tumbl, ruſh throuh al manner of evils, when the briht, beuteous, fair liht of Thour bleſſed Spirit expanded it beams magnificently, ſpread forth it raies gloriouſly, ſhined reſplendently and directed, pointed, ſhewed me the vaie leading to the ætern Kingdoms of the bleſſed Cœlestial Inhabitants.
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