[…] who feels, not as even the kindest and the holiest friend on earth can feel towards our patient endurance, our shortcomings, or our slow advancings […]
Her divorce destroyed her; she had a nervous breakdown and was severely depressed for more than a year.
A small amount of spin may incurve the ball.
Magneezhy was in an awful case; if he had been already shot, he could not have looked more clay and corpse-like; so I took up a douce earnest confabulation, while the stramash was drawing to a bloody conclusion, with Mr Harry Molasses, the fourth in the spree, who was standing behind Bloatsheet with a large mahogany box under his arm, something in shape like that of a licensed packman, ganging about from house to house, through the country-side, selling toys and trinkets; or niffering plaited ear-rings, and suchlike, with young lasses, for old silver coins or cracked teaspoons.