A fire in a martial arts gym in Zhecheng County, central China's Henan Province, Friday morning, has left 18 people dead and 16 others injured, said local authorities.
When plant size increased from 400 heavy young hens per hour to about 1,500 per hour average costs per pound declined from 6.6 to 5.4 cents per pound. While these costs suggested the existence of economies of scale in processing, they did not provide a standardized measure of the exact nature and extent of potential cost savings.
Upon this, our guide, who, by the way, was but a fainthearted fellow, bid us keep in a ready posture, for he believed there were more wolves a-coming. We kept our arms ready, and our eyes about us...
[…] Tobias said, ‘Don't bother. Elena's allergic to all known food groups. The only thing she eats here is seasoned millet and rainwater they bring down from Vermont in a zinc can.’