The feeder conveys the chopped alfalfa to the drying-drum—from the drum the dried forage is conveyed through one or more cooling cyclones to a hammer mill—then through one or more cyclones for further cooling and finally to a sacker.
Berliners referred to both missions as die Luftbrucke - the air bridge.
About an hour or so before a bridegroom accompanied by his friends arrives at the house of the bride, a person, named for the occasion Gamana or messenger, is sent forward with a number of betel leaves equal to the number of people, who accompany the bridegroom. The Gamana is to give these betel leaves to the bride's friends, together with the large pingo of plantains called Gira-mul-tada, which in the Maritime districts is always a sine qua non of the presents, which a Singhalese bridegroom carries to his bride's house.
fifteen capsules from self-fertilised cleistogamic flowers contained on an average sixty-four seeds, with a maximum in one of eighty-seven