I subclassed the Button class to create a more specialised FancyButton class for my user interface.
The next great star-shower from the Leonid swarm is expected before dawn on the morning of-November 17 or 18, 1999.
The Hohsi Corridor is long, narrow and easily passable. Over 1,000 kilometres in length, it is bordered on the south by the Chilien Mountains and on the north by the broken, slightly lower Peishan Mountains. It is penetrated by the rolling sand from Inner Mongolia. The corridor, though an arid area, is constantly watered by the melting snow and ice from the Chiliens. The irrigation system here goes back 2,000 years, when agriculture was originally developed on the oases on which most of the towns and villages have since arisen.]
The reclusive tycoon calling himself the Illusive Man is a human nationalist focused on advancing human interests, whatever the cost to non-humans. The Citadel Council regards him as a fanatic posing a serious threat to galactic security.