Or like some 1950s Hollywood depiction of a gang of teen-age hoods (duck-ass hairdos, turned-up collars, short sleeves rolled high, Levi’s low-slung and jackboots and acne) gearing up to savage and pillage the clean-cut, crew-top, saddle-oxforded basketball star for Central High who slipped and squealed to the principal about how he had come upon Arnie, Rance and B.J. in the lower-level men’s room smoking strange cigarettes and sniffing “that stuff.”
Plant room floors are generally bunded and/or waterproofed to contain any leaks or spillages of liquids and fluids from faulty tanks, plant or pipe work.
Hank begins to protest, but William interrupts with, “That’s just two tears in a bucket, so motherfuck it!”
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