'All right, nobhead?' Adam glared at the Beast and his tittering gang of minions.
[A]s twilight sets in, the Yellow Hammer may still be heard, and is perhaps the last bird to give a parting note to the retiring day, with the exception of his congener the Corn-Bunting, who sings till it is quite dusk. Country people imitate the note of the Yellow Hammer by the words, a little bit of bread and no cheese, the accent on the last word; but sometimes the utterance alters in tone, the request being for a little bit of bread and no cheese, the last word being dropped and the accent on the penultimate.
Formation of alteration minerals in the host rock during deformation within the shear zone is indicated by the parallel foliation within the secondary micaceous minerals and the unmineralized host schist.
Sleep, rest, food and sex provide restorative homeostatic experiences that return consciousness to order after the needs of the body intrude and cause psychic entropy to occur.