The E serves both for the Epsilon and Eta; the O, both for the Omicron and Omega, and likewise for the dipthong OΥ.
Eustace gaped at him in amazement. When his urbanity dropped away from him, as now, he had an innocence of expression which was almost infantile. It was as if the world had never touched him at all.
[…] a small steel pistol was concealed within the purse, the trigger of which was connected with the mounting, and made part of the machinery, so that the weapon would certainly be discharged, and in all probability its contents lodged in the person of any one, who, being unacquainted with the secret, should tamper with the lock which secured its treasure.
The exports, on the whole, in 1815, exceeded those of 1816; but the gutted herrings exported in the latter year exceeded those of the former by 12606½ barrels