For at the Throat there are two cavities or conducting parts: the one the Oesophagus or Gullet, seated next the spine, a part official unto nutrition, and whereby the aliment both wet and dry is conveied unto the stomack; the other (by which tis conceived the Drink doth pass) is the weazon, rough artery, or wind-pipe, a part inservient to voice and respiration; for thereby the air descendeth into the lungs, and is communicated unto the heart
The Association was openly committed to restoring the historical balance of power intended by our Founders between the nobility and the uppity commoners […]
All the women you cite / > were operating within, and had to employ the methods of, patriarchic / > systems. / > / > / > / Oh. Is that why were like that? The Pharaohess of Egypt was working within a patriarchy? And the Queen of France? Kirk to Enterprise, please respond...Earth is calling...