During the week, Bantu women work in the studio, the wives of farmhands, who are free to come and work when they want to. In their bright blue-and-pink kopdoeks (head scarves), they lend a colourful note to an already colourful scene.
Can you conceive a process by which you, an organic being, are in the same way dissolved into the cosmos, and then by a subtle reversal of the conditions reassembled once more?
If, on the other hand, /T/ stands under the N or NP marked as GOAL/TARGET/VICTIM, the transduction protocol will thematicize the DO noun, in our case Caesar, and the rest of the lexo-tactics, independently learned and remembered by the speakers, will adjust the verb as Aux + Tense + V + Past Participle and the original Agent/Subject of the race will show up as by + N in sentence final position.
But what will happen when these ahnehs flee Singapore when they are asked to do NS?