Your onely way to make a good pomander, is this. Take an ownce of the pureſt garden mould, clenſed and ſteeped ſeauen daies in change of motherleſſe roſe water, then take the beſt Labdanum, Benioine, both Storaxes, amber greece, and Ciuet, and muſke, incorporate them together, and work them into what form you pleaſe; this, if your breath bee not to valiant, will make you ſmell as ſweete as my Ladies dogge.
Repudiating PIV (penis in vagina) and grappling with most forms of penetration, except orally under certain conditions, means for me the unmitigated physical rawness of fucking is not a part of my life.
But in the second column the Britannia Pacific , though with one coach less, showed a cleaner pair of heels, ….
[…] the vet recalled with terrible anguish a scene where he and his friend had been foxholed several dozen yards apart, with a small group of enemy soldiers (Viet Cong) coming toward them over the crest of a hill.