The caudoventral flange of MOR 2919 is dorsoventrally deep, as in other brachylophosaurins, but relatively wider anteroposteriorly than in Brachylophosaurus.
There was somewhat in the open countenance and courteous behaviour of Jones which, being accompanied with much comeliness of person, greatly recommended him at first sight to every beholder. These were, perhaps, a little heightened in the present instance, by that profound respect which he paid to the king of the gypsies, the moment he was acquainted with his dignity, and which was the sweeter to his gypseian majesty, as he was not used to receive such homage from any but his own subjects.
Ch'in Shih-huang-ti, the son of King Chuang-hsiang, was born in about 258 BC in Han-tan, the capital of the state of Chao.
He was invited to the Élysée Palace by President François Mitterrand and socialized with the far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen. He benefited from the largess of the fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent and his partner, the business tycoon Pierre Bergé.