You're a pretty clog to be tied to a man for life, you mewling, white-faced cat!
He is knight dubb'd with vnhatche'd Rapier, and on carpet conſideration, but he is a diuell in priuate brall, soules and bodies hath he diuorc'd three, and his incenſement at this moment is ſo implacable, that ſatisfaction can be none, but by pangs of death and ſepulcher: Hob, nob, is his word: giu't or take't.
While her writer’s awareness seems almost always conscious, her reader’s knowledge most often seems to operate implicitly, allowing Anna, as a good Amishperson, to posit meaning in the text.[…]I knew from the courses I had taken, the reading I had done, and the conversations I had had with faculty ethnographers, that one of my ethnographic tasks would be to discover what an individual had to know to be a good successful Amishperson, to lead a good Amish life and get along successfully in Amish society.
When she was little and I went to see her in bed, I often thought she wasn't there. She lay so neatly and so straight, without a ruckle and with her head just under the top of the bedclothes.