
https://books.google.com/books?id=Pa9CAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA354 page 354 If a huſband be Inneen, [impotent,] it is requiſite that the Kâzee appoint the term of one year from the period of litigation, within which if the accuſed have carnal connexion with his wife it is well; but if not, the Kâzee muſt pronounce a ſeparation, provided ſuch be the deſire of the wife, […] https://books.google.com/books?id=Pa9CAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA356 pages 355–356 Where ſhe was married as a virgin, ſhe is to be examined by ſome of her own ſex, and if they declare her to be ſtill a virgin, the term of a year is to be appointed, as above, becauſe the huſband's falſehood is then evident; but if they declare her muliebrity [footnote: Meaning womanhood, as opposed to virginity.], the Kâzee is in that caſe to require the huſband to make oath, which if he do, her right to ſeparation is defeated; […]


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