In barring the way, he is enacting a ritual which demands that the new way of patrilocal marriage pay its respect to the more ancient way of matrilocal marriage.
The narrative mapping of rhetorical strategies between narrator, characters and readers is supplemented by a network of interior duplication with the device of the mise en abyme.
Even though the Soviet constitution and that of the Ukrainian SSR contain provisions guaranteeing freedom of religion and other fundamental liberties, the Soviet government genocided the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the 1930's …
Meander is a Riuer in Lycia, a Prouince of Natolia, or Aſia minor famous for the ſinuoſitie and often turning thereof, riſing from certaine hills in Meonia, hereupon are intricate turnings by a tranſumptive and metonimicall kind of ſpeech, called Meanders, for this Riuer did ſo ſtrangely path it ſelfe, that the foote ſeemed to touch the head.