That I might have gone to Chili, and expended nearly the amount of a first instalment, while I passed my hours in comparative enjoyment, you must readily admit was in my power.
Amazing what a bit of mangarie can do.
There the dragon muſtering all his forces doth goe to a place called Armageddon , to cut off, and deſtroy utterly , but he doth bring deſtruction upon himſelfe , for that next viall doth powre out the laſt deſtruction upon all Gods enemies. Here the King of the North ſhall goe forth with great furie in the glorious holy mountaine , to deſtroy , and utterly cut off many , but he ſhal come to his end , and none ſhal help him.
Were I a flower what would I do, […]
I would be growing to be
Be made into a garland to
To bethrow
two people in a
A bond of marriage or
Or adorn,
the neck of someone honoured
at a drop of a hat.