Poincaré proved that Betti numbers are invariants and used them to extend Euler's polyhedral formula to higher dimensional spaces.
Conſcience only, that can ſee without Light, ſits in the Areopagy and dark Tribunal of our Hearts, ſurveying our Thoughts and condemning their obliquities[…]
These Autem Mortes be maried wemen, as there be but a fewe: For Autem in their Language is a church, so shee is a wyfe maried at the church, and they be as chaste as a cowe I have, that goeth to bull euery moone, with what bull she careth not.
In bed, he dreamt of Caty, of her sweet and solid body nourished on all the Newyorkian essences, her aromatic Boricuan body of markedly horizontal tendencies.[…]In the livingroom decorated with posters of erotic content—Babylonian Newyorkian obsession—the guests move from one spot to another: pale youths with huge afros, girls in slacks, an occasional skirt.[…]Oh, a bien chévere couple, he will be ashamed of his father I will raise him by myself Newyorican son, hum, his grain of sand in the Newyorkian population hum, feeling the nostalgic notes of a guitar the rasping of a güiro on the floor below, Boricuan Christmas in the urban setting oh unbearable nostalgia, loneliness profoundly exhausted not only from the effects of the hard work under the Manolo-ian vigilance, an exhaustion from deep within.