One drill to help you work on the long, low takeaway is to place a tee, a coin, or even another ball just beyond your back foot (whatever you choose should be slightly inside your toe to promote a slightly inside swing path).
He documented each step of the process as he did it, which was good when the investigation occurred.
We have in the Wiſedome and Dexteritie of, our right truſty and wellbeloved Counſellor, Thomas Lord Elleſmere, and for certen other eſpeciall Cauſes Us moving, have given and graunted unto the ſaid Thomas Lord Elleſmere the Office of our Lord Chauncellor of England, and given Aucthority to the ſaid Lord Elleſmere to heare examyne and determyne Cauſes Matters and Suytes as ſhall happen to bee, as well in our Chauncery as in our Starchamber, like as the Chauncellor of England or Keeper of the Greate Seale of England, …
Since many childhood depressions become more bipolar in adult life, and because Jay's father was bipolar, I added Depakote to protect him against this bipolar possibility.