
https://archive.org/details/wondersofalaska00badluoft/page/85/mode/1up page 85 In Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska, a native who has acquired a large share of this world's goods becomes at times stricken with a sort of ecstasy, when he feels it incumbent on himself to organize a sort of conscience fund on his own hook. He calls his neighbors together, has a big feast and distributes to his guest all his earthly belongings. … https://archive.org/details/wondersofalaska00badluoft/page/86/mode/1up page 86 [T]here is no instance on record of any of the leading capitalists of America ever having held a potlatch, though the records of the Conscience Fund at Washington do show that many Americans have potlatched with the Government according to the extent of their misdoings, some with and some without legal interest. A figurative use.


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