In January 2017, possibly not uncoincidentally around the time of Trump's inauguration, the idea emerged on Twitter of the Republic of Kekistan, “a country created by users on 4chan's /pol/ board as the tongue-in-cheek ethnic origin of 'shitposters' known as 'Kekistanis' who worship the ancient Egyptian diety [sic] Kek.
Not but that I perswade myselfe to bee able to convince you (if you list to undergoe yoʳ triall) how interolerable an injury it is you doe yʳselfe, in yᵉ first place, yʳ ignorant followers, yᵉ King's authority, yᵉ credit of the towne, and yᵉ progress of Xianity in general, in these parts, by yʳ schisme and separation.
Thus, as carnivorous vultures watch to englut their prey, the rapacious rebels enjoyed a savage delight in the hope of ensnaring him,[…]
The back of the NIRT truck was crowded with consoles and flashing panels of blinkenlights, battered laptops plastered with security inventory stickers...