There are uſually reckoned twelve of theſe Iſlands ; but it will appear, from the chart of the North part of the Pacific Ocean hereafter inſerted, that if the ſmall iſlets and rocks are counted in, then their whole number will amount to above twenty. They were formerly moſt of them well inhabited ; and, even not ſixty years ago, the three principal Iſlands, Guam, Rota, and Tinian together, are ſaid to have contained above fifty thouſand people : But ſince that time Tinian hath been entirely depopulated ; and only two or three hundred Indians have been left at Rota, to cultivate rice for the Iſland of Guam ; ſo that now no more than Guam can properly be ſaid to be inhabited. This Iſland of Guam is the only ſettlement of the Spaniards ; here they keep a governor and garriſon, and here the Manila ſhip generally touches for refreſhment, in her paſſage from Acapulco to the Philippines.
Although aji are found in temperate waters around the world, if you have the fish in a sushi-ya here, it almost certainly was caught and frozen in Japan.
He’s always bragging about how many women he’s had.
[…] sign hung from the bronze knob, and it stated without equivocation that the Britannic Museum was closed for repairs.
But the Inspector was made of stern stuff. He closed his right hand and with the resulting fist pounded formidably on the bronze.
[…] out popped the gargoylish head of a bulb-nosed old man.
Hey! snapped this apparition. Can't you read English?
One side, brother, said the Inspector cheerfully. We're in a hurry.
The doorman did not budge […]