Alma she called was, a virgin bright:/ That had not yet felt Cupides wanton rage,/ Yet was she woo'd of many a gentle knight […]
She also offers a fascinating glimpse into a more innocent age before svengalis began colluding with marketing men and TV execs to promote talentless wannabes to overnight success.
Mr. Miller informed the Committee , That the Rates ought to be fair , without Erasement
“I just got up early to make a piecake.” “A piecake?” cried Uncle Wiggily, wondering whether his ears were awake yet, or half asleep. “Yes, a piecake,” said Alice. “[…] I’m going to make a piecake, and take it to Grandfather Goosey Gander before school.”[…]“But I never heard of a piecake. Don’t you mean a pie or a cake?” “No,” said Alice, quickly stirring some batter in a dish, “I mean a piecake, all together in one. It is very easy to make a pie or a cake, but to make both in one, that is harder.”[…]“I want to see what Grandpa Goosey says when he sees a piecake.”[…]“We are safe; but what about your lovely piecake, Alice?”