She may fear bananas, but Allison Jones is not yellow about sharing her phobia with the world. Jones, 36, of Hanover, who suffers from bananaphobia, was featured in a People magazine article Sept. 8 about different types of phobias.[…]But Jones said she’s never sought help for her bananaphobia.
The very quintessence of popinjay vulgarity is reached when nicely is made to do service for well, in this wise: How do you do? Nicely. How are you? Nicely.
The captain […] had been greatly enamoured; that is to say, of Mr Allworthy's house and gardens, and of his lands, tenements, and hereditaments […].
While hundreds of nisei and sansei are employed by Japanese giants like Sony, Mitsubishi and Honda, many more work with Brazilians as agronomists, artists, doctors, businessmen and engineers. Colleagues [c]all them “modest and respectful.”