I try not to get rickrolled by sketchy YouTube links, but sometimes you let your guard down.
The writer referred to [Edward Francis Rimbault] traces the instrument from the ancient lyre, through various mechanical phases, the harp, psaltery, dulcimer, etc. to the clavicitherium—a name compounded from the Latin clavis, a key, and cithera, the name of an ancient instrument of music, which consisted of strings drawn over a sounding wooden surface or bottom, and not unlike the modern guitar. The clavicitherium was an oblong box, containing a number of strings arranged in a triangular form, and which were struck by a plectrum—a little mallet, commonly made of ivory, with which the ancients beat the strings of the lyre.
Enderby thrust towards his backside and then felt pity. Enough was enough. He lunged half-heartedly instead at the one who had not yet received gladial attention.
In spite of many attempts at avoiding and selecting information about practical problems, information about serious problems or the failure of the reform sometimes reaches reformers and reformees.