THE Lakes of the Chineſes are like their Mountains, full of Rarities. There is a Lake in the Province Fokien, which converteth Iron into Copper ; the water veing very green, we preſume it is full of Nitros ſpirits, and ſo diſcoloured with Coperas, which operates in the converſion of this metal.
Another Lake called Chung in the Province of Fokien, hath a greater wonder ; for they report, that in a fair Houſe there erected, as often as rain or a tempeſt is approaching, there is a ſound heard like the ringing of a Bell.
The superscript equal sign ˭ is here used to denote the Czech tenuis consonant, in this case the plosive [t˭], which lacks aspiration, in order to contrast it with its aspirated counterpart in English [tʰ].
Several bodies of troops defiled towards the frontiers under various pretences; and the whole being ſuddenly aſſembled, formed an army with which the duke of Guiſe [Francis, Duke of Guise] made an unexpected march towards Calais.
Doenitz was naïf to assume that England would have stood idly by while Germany built up her U-boat force to four figures; but it was true enough that the German Navy was unprepared for a submarine war.