ART is a method for treating the soft tissues such as the tendon, nerve, and myofascia, and is performed for repetitive strain injury, acute injury, and functional fixation damage due to abnormal posture maintained over the long term.
From 1830 to 1871 there were public gaming-tables in Heligoland, and the Concessionaire paid such a high price for his permit that the colonial finances were in the most flourishing condition.
He had his “dinner” in his canteen and placed it on the ground to go and “scrounge” a chunk of bread to help “fill up”, and as soon as he turned his back a dog walked in at the door of the barn, where we were “in residence” as they say “higher up”, [only we “flew no flag”], and started lapping up some of the “gippo”, [gravy] of which the said dinner was composed [in fact 'twas more “gippo” than dinner that day, so who could blame a dog for being mistaken].
Each page of the schedule was crossruled with 8 lines, capable of censussing 8 individuals.