Hilda explains everyone in ′Strilia imagines England now country hardly fit to graze saltbush weaners, bosses continually coming the raw prawn with trade union larrikins, mind you, her dad gets as mad as a mule with a squib up its arse as he comes the bludger with that bunch of ning nongs – ta darl, she says, Andy handing her a half-pint glass of gin and ton.
The global economic collapse of 2007-2008 discredited “rational expectations” economics (though its high priests have yet to recognize this) and brought both Keynes and Hayek back into posthumous contention.
Titled Citizen Clem in Britain (Oxford University Press published it here as Clement Attlee: The Man Who Made Modern Britain ), it is a study in actual radical accomplishment with minimal radical afflatus—a story of how real social change can be achieved, providing previously unimaginable benefits to working people, entirely within an embrace of parliamentary principles as absolute and as heroic as any in the annals of democracy.
[…] already the gate was blocked with a wall of squared stones laid dry, but very thick and very high, across the opening.