I said to the guy, Listen, I want a vindaloo, but I want it hot, OK? Don't par me off with any of this little spice thing. He said, OK, yeah, you want it hot? So, I said, Yeah, so he went away and ordered it and he came back and clunked it in front of me and I started to eat it and it was unbelievably hot.
As for the rest, the pay is not bad, coming as it does from the pockets of the three local warlords who hired me: two graziers, one of whom is also a terrible wowser (everyone calls him 'Mr Prophet', though I call him - privately, of course - Mr Brimstone, or Old Blood-and-Thunderguts); the third is the owner of the pub.
SHADDOCK, AND POMELO, OR GRAPE-FRUIT. (Citrus aurantium decumana.*) The cultivation of these fruits is extendiug gradually, especially of the pomelo, which is a first-class marketable fruit, very valuable in the spring and early summer.
At times Christians in business will be stone catchers—acting with justice and mercy in a world where often the results of business activities are like stones being thrown at supervisors, colleagues, employees, customers, vendors, stockholders, the public, anyone in general, with or without naming specific individuals.