Although wisdom as such, courage as such, understanding as such, existence as such, and so on can readily be conceived of (but not imagined), there are no entities corresponding to those conceptions: there are only instances of wisdom, courage, and so on.
These files have a magic number stored in a particular place near the beginning of the file that tells the UNIX operating system that the file is a binary executable, and which of several types thereof.
His recourse to written documents to make his discourse unassailable has created a virtually unalterable situation even as he is on the verge of being forced to “see through” Tartuffe.
Mr. Fisher returned from town... he had learnt that our opponents intended to shift the scene of operations to the Chats... We understood that they had hired two bullies for the purpose of deciding the matter par voie de fait. Mr Fisher hired two of the same description, who were supposed to be more than a match for the opposition party.