The conga dance, with its long line that might eventually sweep in everybody in the place, and the kick on the fourth beat and the fruited headdress that were to become her trademarks.
My youngest sister, Wendy, was my maid of honor and Shan and Jess (Tess’s sisters) were my bride’s maids. […] My niece, Janielle, functioned as maid-of-honor, and my Barbadian god daughter, Leah, my lone bride’s maid.
Devices that “sonify” data have expanded beyond the well-known Geiger counter, which reveals radioactivity by clicking more rapidly as it gets closer to nuclear material. These devices appear in an array of settings, evaluating the structural integrity of large bridges, guiding the manipulation of surgical instruments during brain surgery, and more. Neuhoff, Kramer, and Wayand point out that sonification devices appear everywhere from anesthesiology stations to factory production-controls, stock-market trading floors, and data displays for the visually impaired. And, they say, the use of auditory displays will continue to escalate.
May the Lord keep you from harm.