A small person in a long plain overall, almost childish, nunnishly garbed from throat to foot!
Peter had been an adept with tilts, as old Stein had said so often that morning, while he, Palmer, and Gus, had dubiously laboured at this elusive task. But Peter would rig no more tilts, and primitively old Stein and Gus lamented this, as they missed his services.
[H]is Grace’s Man at his club, in company doubtless with other Men of equal social rank, talks over his master’s character and affairs with the ingenuous truthfulness which befits gentlemen who are met together in confidence.
The following works will be carried out during the year: Extensions to infectious diseases hospital, £5,000; extensions to borough sanatorium, £4,500; school clinic, tuberculosis dispensary, and new offices for medical officer, £ 7,500; ferro-concrete bridge over Orwell, £3,000; steel bacule bridge over Orwell, £ 7,500; and public swimming and slipper baths, £7,000.