It was for some time considered that wheat belonged to the genus triticum, perhaps from the form of its spike of flowers and the peculiar flavour of its herbage: this latter fact, which becomes apparent upon crushing the leaves of a young wheat plant or leaves of the couch—triticum repens—in a peculiar disagreeable odour, is, doubtless, derivable from the presence of an essential oil, to which we may perhaps attribute the medicinal properties which cause the emetic action on dogs; and this unison of quality in the herbage of wheat and the wild triticums would at least lead to the inference of the affinity of the plants producing it.
There are jarring contrasts between the new Clinton video and the old news footage of the headbanded Mrs. Clinton: her physical appearance and her tone of voice, now softer, have changed almost entirely.
It ought not to be our object to angelize, nor to brutalize, but to humanize man.
This is the way overprinting works on the ZX Spectrum: two papers or two inks give a paper, one of each gives an ink. This has the interesting property that if you overprint with the same thing twice you get back what you started off with.