According to Essie, “If a man didn’t pay no money for his wife and they just lived together then his childrens got a bad name. It made a man ashamed when his childrens got a bad name.”
They are raised hilllike areas rising above the surrounding flat marshlands.
The critical state of military affairs has increased the importance of Peiping as the government’s headquarters in north China. Not long ago, General Fu Tso-yi was appointed Commander of a new North China Communist Suppression Headquarters, with its center here, to direct and control all military operations in the provinces of Jehol, Chahar, Suiyuan, Hopeh, and part of Shansi.
The sewerage and drainage of the town of Gibraltar, being upon a very defective system, greatly involve the sanitary welfare of the troops, many of the barrack buildings being immediately within the influences of such evil.