So Juan stood, bewildered on the deck: / The wind sung, cordage strained, and sailors swore […]
But, as all true bananaphiles agree, in size, handling, aroma and above all flavour, the Cavendish is a shadow of the glorious fruit that was once ‘Big Mike’.
This ſhalle not ſo be ended ſaid ſyr Mador de la porte / for here haue I loſte a ful noble knyght of my blood / And therfore vpon this ſhame & deſpyte I wille be reuenged to the vtteraunce / and there openly ſir Mador appeled the quene of the dethe of his coſyn ſir patryſe / This shall not so be ended, said Sir Mador de la Porte, for here have I lost a full noble knight of my blood. And therefore upon this shame and despite I will be revenged to the utterance. And there openly Sir Mador appealed the queen of the death of his cousin Sir Patryse.]
Frequent buyers in a particular store become the suki, so that with this kind of a relationship, the marketgoer gets an extra treat, like obtaining more tomatoes for the price of a kilo.
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