Propelling the packet-boat up the stream was the most laborious and dangerous employment which can be imagined. The Indians were unceasing in their efforts to destory small parties of whites, as they were passing up or down the river Ohio. There were then but few places between Cincinnati and Wheeling, for the packet-boat to rest at night safely.
You oughtn't to work on the Lord's Day, son, she told Dad both times. Dad's response was always the same. The ox is in the ditch, Ma.
Overall, menstrual modernity in the form of a more efficient throwaway technology was seized on and celebrated, as was the opportunity to send your man off to the shop to get it if you came on suddenly.
Therefore thoſe that uſe themſelves to a mean in Cloathing have better Appetites, are longer breath’d, ſtronger, and not ſo apt to receive Injuries by every ſmall accident, as thoſe that inure themſelves to very warm Cloathes, hot Houſes, an idle soſt Life, and the like Effæminacies.