Vaſt Chain of Being! which from God began, / Ethereal Eſſence, Spirit, Subſtance, Man, / Beaſt, Bird, Fiſh, Inſect! what no Eye can ſee, / No Glaſs can reach! from Infinite to Thee!
… '[T]is very reaſonable, that all ſhould be obliged to the Law of Justice. … And as to the Public, 'twould be all one as if there were no Property; and then for want of Encouragement and Security, the final iſſue of the matter would be, an utter neglect and diſimprovement of the Earth, and a continual diſturbance of the Public Peace.
The problem is that these demands tend to be more parochial than millenial, much more NIMBY (not in my back yard) than global, and more concerned with financial well-being than ecological health.
That's because the permission to unlink a file doesn't depend upon the permission bits on the file itself; it's the permission bits on the directory that contains the file that matter.