Until just recently, when he began to cart them back, they were all stacked in Mr. Baker’s barn: piles of Churchill; of Herbert Hoover’s postpresidential papers; war records, biographies, letters, diaries.
Sixe dayes thou ſhalt labour, and doe all thy worke. But the ſeuenth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou ſhalt not doe any worke, thou, nor thy ſonne, nor thy daughter, nor thy man ſeruant, nor thy maid ſeruant, nor thine oxe, nor thine aſſe, nor any of thy cattel, nor thy ſtranger that is within thy gates, that thy man ſeruant and thy maid ſeruant may reſt as well as thou.
Meanwhile, Wanger's wish list for the film's coleads included Sir Laurence Olivier as Julius Caesar and Richard Burton as Mark Antony. (The studio preferred Cary Grant and Burt Lancaster in these roles, respectively.)
I’m not clever, p’raps: but I am rather downy; and partial friends say I know what’s o’clock tolerably well.