And sometimes hours of peace, I own, / Upon some fairer leaves have shown, / White as the snowings of that heaven / By which those hours of peace were given.
Companies often use pictures of kids on their packaging and make individual “fun pack” or “snack pack” servings to make their food more kid-friendly.
The World Cœlestial. Containing 11 Sphæres or Heavens, ſay the Theologians and Aſtronomers. … Theſe are called the Primum Mobile, the Chriſtaline Heaven, the Firmament adorned with the Fixed Stars, and the Heavens of the Seven Planets.
I could a Tale vnfold, vvhoſe lighteſt vvord / VVould harrovv vp thy ſoule, freeze thy young blood, / Make thy tvvo eyes like Starres, ſtart from their Spheres, / Thy knotty and combined locks to part, / And each particular haire to ſtand an end, / Like Quilles vpon the fretfull Porpentine: […]
In the First Quarto (1603) of the work, the corresponding phrase is “Thy knotted and combined locks to part”.