Characters commenting on their own predicament as though they were the armchair jokesters of MST3K is almost never as smart as a film’s creative team thinks it is—something for which Urban Legend serves as Exhibit A.
Let us look also at the works of Cavaliere Cristoforo Gluck, lately in the service of the Imperial Court, whose most penetrating vast genius and creative talent, is not only in possession of the most profound arcanities and recondite illuminations of philosophy and other sciences, but has developed a sense of the immensity thereof, from which rare, noble, interesting and sublime music was born, particularly French, of which he was the reformer, or, better, the autocrat.
This 'who's on first' conversation continued, both of us getting more and more frustrated than the other, until it hit me.
The micronation of Molossia in Nevada opened its own railroad line in March 2000.