This paper reviews the literature about virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) of five forms of phobias (agoraphobia, arachnophobia, claustrophobia, katsaridaphobia, fear of driving), describes the therapeutic procedures, and compared them with procedures used in behavioral-analytic psychotherapy.
She had cold sores on her upper lip which made her mouth look swollen and ugly. But from a distance it was not noticeable - like the spit and breathy sounds.
Peacocking may take place in legislatures and lodges, churches and chain stores. But it is particularly evident and bizarre in academia, a world where everyone is supposed to produce logically ordered exchanges of ideas.
Roots are more generally odorous than the stems of plants, which is owing to an essential oil. Thus, ginger, horse radish, valerian, spignel, and sweet cicely, are pungent and aromatic; the root of white hellebore is bitter and nauseous.