No doubt the Roman law of the post-classical period, and English law from and after the career of Pollock, have tended to become more self-conscious and theoretical in character, but Roman law never reached a state at all comparable to that reached by the pandectists of the nineteenth century, nor has English law yet reached it, if it ever will.
Edward Churchill still attended to his work in a hopeless mechanical manner like a sleep-walker who walks safely on a well-known round. But his Roman collar galled him, his cossack stifled him, his biretta was as uncomfortable as a merry-andrew's cap and bells.
… I did incounter that obſeene and moſt prepoſterous euent that draweth frõ my ſnowhite pen the ebon coloured Incke, which here thou vieweſt, beholdeſt, ſuruayeſt, or ſeeſt. … There did I ſee that low ſpirited Swaine, … hight Coſtard, (Clow[ne]. O mee) ſorted and conſorted contrary to thy eſtabliſhed proclaymed Edict and continent Cannon; Which with, o with, but with this I paſſion to ſay wherewith: / Clo[wne]. With a Wench.
Come all you rounders if you want to hear
A story I'm a-tellin' on a brave engineer
Casey Jones was this rounder's name
On a six-eight wheeler boys he won his fame...