
“Oh, Wooster,” he said, “I was talking to my mother a night or two ago. … She tells me you are interested in mice. … She says she found you trying to catch one in my bedroom! … She says you seemed to be making a very thorough search of my room. … I wonder if by any chance you happened to find an eighteenth-century cow-creamer? … It's gone.” … “No, I'd just wait a while, if I were you. I expect it'll turn out that the thing's somewhere you put it but didn't think you'd put it. I mean, you often put a thing somewhere and think you've put it somewhere else and then find you didn't put it somewhere else but somewhere. I don't know if you follow me?” “I don't.” “What I mean is, just stick around and you'll probably find the thing.” “You think it will return?” “I do.” “Like a homing pigeon?” “That's the idea.”


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