The formation of exogenous uric acid is largely within our power; the amount can be diminished by limiting the forestages of uric acid-nucleins and purin derivatives—in the food.
For the benefit of seedsmen and orchardists I would say, I have found “Lyons’ Magnetic powder” effec[t]ual in driving insects from seed and away from all places they infest, and have no doubt a few flasksful thrown in the crevices of fruit trees, would drive the pests from their fortresses.
Welfare mothers who stay in school and finish their high school education secure a stable job and exit welfare rapidly.
Under the reorganization the branch mill was designated as Dah Sun Mill No. 2. In subsequent years Chang Chien had ambitious plans for further expansion. Eventually four Dah Sun mills were established, two in Nan-t'ung and one each in Ch'ung-ming and Hai-men, although plans for the founding of mills in Ju-kao, Tung-t'ai, Yen-ch'eng, and elsewhere in Kiangsu were never realized.