He eyed me with contempt: great featherless, half winged bird as I was, incomprehensible, contemptible, but awful.
Richard [I of England] was well ſtored with men, the bones; and quickly got money, the ſinews of warre; by a thouſand Princely skills gathering ſo much coin as if he meant not to return, becauſe looking back would unbowe his reſolution
Gra[tiano]. O be thou damn’d, inexecrable dog, / And for thy life let iuſtice be accuſde; / Thou almoſt mak’ſt me wauer in my faith, / To hold opinion with Pythagoras, / That ſoules of Animals infuſe themſelues / Into the trunks of men: Thy curriſh ſpirit / Gouern’d a Wolfe, who, hang’d for humane ſlaughter, / Euen from the gallowes did his fell ſoule fleete, / And whilſt thou layeſt in thy vnhallowed dam, / Infuſde it ſelfe in thee: for thy deſires / Are woluiſh, bloody, ſtaru’d and rauenous.
I prefer those who have the courage of their convictions, and who stand by them publicly.
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