[…] No Art used to inflame him, no Coquetry practised to tempt or intice him, and no Prudery or Affectation to tamper with his Passions; but, on the contrary, artless and unpractised in the Wiles of the World, all her Endeavours, and even all her Wishes, tended only to render herself as un-amiable as she could in his Eyes:
Less shone the tresses Egypt's princess wore, / Which sweet Callimachus so sung before; / Here courtly trifles set the world at odds, / Belles war with beaux, and whims descend for gods, / The new machines in names of ridicule, / Mock the grave frenzy of the chymic fool.
Here I could breake out into a boundleſſe race of oratory, in ſhrill trumpetting and concelebrating the royall magnificence of her gouernement, that for ſtate and ſtrict ciuill ordering, ſcant admitteth any riuals: but I feare it would be a theame diſpleaſant to the graue modeſty of the diſcreet preſent magiſtrates; and therefore conſultiuely I ouerſlip it, […]
At the approach to Southampton Terminus, double track branches off to the left, runs alongside the platforms and then cuts across Canute Road on an open crossing under the protection of a flagman.