My Charlotte conquers with a smile, / And reigneth queen of love.
In the home-circle and among her companions, Charlotte lays aside her queenship and becomes a gentle Lottie.
The majority of librarians appear to have shown a very ivory tower approach to the application of all types of management technique to librarianship.
Are we really complain kings and queens? Some academic from New Zealand said that we are a nation of moaners in Straits Times. Sure, we complain about lots of stuff, but everyone does it, not just Singaporeans. I don't think it's fair. Besides what else can we do...its not easy living here...the prices are sky-rocketing, everything is expensive , from owning a box of space in the air to the cars on the streets, and the govt is not helping. And I don't think we moan, we are just giving feedback. Some people think we're being petty cos we have a good life. So should we just keep our dissatisfaction to ourselves? What's wrong with complaining any.