Because of this situation we are producing year after year crops of intellectually-dwarfed and midget-minded graduates whose limitations make them easy victims for compliance with a continuation of the system.
For virtue’s image yet poſſeſt her mind, / Taught by a maſter of the tuneful kind : / Atrides, parting for the Trojan war, / Conſign’d the youthful conſort to his care.
Of course, as for the in situ pre mortem analysis mode, a balance has to be struck between the dynamic of the friction movement on the one hand, and the spatial resolution/acquisition time of the analysis on the other.[…]materials were machined, which allowed the X-ray beam to probe the friction interface even while sliding, thus providing in vivo pre mortem experimental conditions, as depicted in the previous section.
The theory is that it is easier to “prebunk” disinformation before it spreads than to debunk it once it has taken hold.